Are you thinking about getting tree stumps pulled out or stump grinding done? Most people don’t realise the potential risks of damaging pipes or cables whilst doing any of the above.
K & J Scanning can locate all pipes and cables giving an accurate route and depth before you start work, we take the guessing/praying out the job and reduce the risks of additional costs.
If your contractor isn’t checking for cables or pipes below the ground before they start, perhaps you should check or get somebody else as the bill will be with you.
“K and J Scanning specialise in Electromagnetic frequency (EMF) locating services. With the use of sophisticated underground cable location equipment, we help locate and map services such as Gas, Water, Electric, Communication, Sanitary or Storm Sewer.
Using EMF Scanning we can accurately target the location and depth of Services, saving you time and money in the long run by helping to avoid any costly damage involved with excavations.”
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